What’s been surprising about your Dundee during these times?

These are all the Question One submissions:

How we have come together to support our local businesses.
Discovering just how introverted I am - working from home, seeing friends digitally and just enjoying living in my safe space.
The importance of parks and recreational areas for our wellbeing
How much I miss it !
I've enjoyed gardening so much, my sunflowers are coming on a treat!
We've got to know our neighbours better through communal street workouts and got fitter at the same time
The transition between the quietness at the beginning and the small tread back to "normality". Interesting observation on human behaviour.
How many people have no understanding of social distancing. Also, the fact that my local shop doesn't enforce this and the staff think it's okay to lean over customers!!
Nothing surprises me about my Dundee. A beautiful city overlooking the Silvery Tay with wonderful parks and beaches for walking, cycling and playing with children and dogs in the sunshine. Grateful !
What I have been surprised about is how quiet it was during the first few weeks with near total lockdown. It seems that the air in Dundee was cleaner and the lack of cars was a bonus
We always HOPE we see the best of people during a crisis & that has been my EXPERIENCE during COVID. I have found that people have come TOGETHER looking to share & care as one COMMUNITY!
I'm a bird-watching person now. Lockdown made me into 'that guy'.
So many beautiful places in walking / cycling distance of my house! Don't have to go far or spend a lot of money to have an amazing adventure!
How much I love my Family!
The way the community has come together to make the most of it has been fantastic! Local artists, craftsmen and volunteers have really stepped up to spread joy despite the lockdown.
There is nowhere I would rather be during a global pandemic 😊
Having the support of family and friends
The Park Grass unkempt along with most peoples hair, child exposes parental blind spot with 3 words, why... but why, exuberant laughs on video chat, a call for a mate, All species together in bloom
strength of individuals making a strong collective
I've seen more WEs than I've seen MEs
New me : local bartering, bakes bread, grows veg, suntan, in touch with family, talks about mental health concerns Old me: what was I doing before?
SUNNY WALKS The Law, Riverside, Dudhope Park, Magdalen Green, Balgay Hill, Broughty Ferry Beach, Trottick Mill Ponds, Templeton Woods, Baxter Park, Caird Park, Lochee Park, Clatto Reservoir.
Home working has been fantastic - Up early, more productive due to less interruptions, and a window to my beautiful garden. Mental health and mindfulness restored.This will be the new normal for me.
Although I live in a flat, I have the best views over the Angus hills and across the Tay to Fife, so I have never felt closed in
How peaceful our streets are without cars. How lovely the birds are. How many more people are taking exercise. How kindness and being human is back in vogue
I've taken up gardening!!!!Loving it!! I've also got to know lots of my neighbours, a real community feeling!(All social distance of course!)
"UNPRECEDENTED" Wonder how often that word has been used since March?
Appreciate whats around you
How often you see people you know when you're out for a walk!
People standing spaced apart on the beach breathing in the air, waves and light...
Let's not go "back to normal" post-Covid. Normal didn't work for many. Let's go forward instead, to a greener, fairer, gentler Dundee.
That so much is within walking or cycling distance and I don't miss using the car
Kites are actually really hard to fly!
I'm a peopley person. I'm finding not being around people … talking, interacting, people watching… really hard. And did I mention I HATE ZOOM
I have enjoyed the calm Dundee has right now. As a business owner I would never have chosen to press the pause button on our business life however this pandemic has done that for us, enjoy the peace.
The Dundee community has responded magnificently. A whole army of volunteers assembled, it seemed, overnight, to provide practical help and support to the vulnerable in our communities. Heartwarming!
How beautiful Eastern Cemetery is! It has the most amazing rhododendrons at this time of year, and the stone carving on some of the old monuments is incredible. It's a peaceful and interesting place.
How much I'm enjoying not racing about every evening and weekend. I'm not going back to that, quiet times with family are my future!
Loving wild Dundee! Long grasses have replaced manicured lawns. It's beautiful. Bees are loving the wild flowers too. Maybe every year we could let the city gardens become city meadows for a month?
The wisdom of wedundee should become a poster series :)
I love the slower pace of life, having time to walk on Magdalen Green and shop using small local businesses
Being surprised by all the leaves in the trees one day there was bare branches the next day full green explosion
How connected I feel to the community around me, despite lockdown.
From the George Floyd mural being put up to it being vandalised, was a whirlwind of emotions. Questioned the level of safety in my hometown
although at first, we couldn't go far, we got to discover so much that was always around us
How tough it is for kids being surrounded by the best parks and green spaces, but not being able to use them... :(
The smiles and greetings from strangers in the street warm my ♥
Local businesses being creative and diversifying their offer and how the operate. Staying in business and engaging customers.
Walking through the seasons rather than driving through them.
The wonder of accidentally seeing a friend at the supermarket
Slow Down and Appreciate
Under, things to do! I've missed being able to guide small groups of folk for an easy hour and a half wander around the Albert Square on my Bright Dundee history tour.
unity care & co-operation
Just how many Lockdown rules can the neighbours break???
masks what masks?
Superheroes running the streets to make kids smile!
As someone who lives in Angus but usually travels to work in Dundee every day. I miss the city and everyone and everything in it.
I'm surprised by all the wildlife! Balgay park is great for solitary bees, Magdalen green great for bumblebees and butterflies, and Riverside nature park /The Law fantastic for bird watching!
 Grateful for the all the delivery drivers still bringing packages to my house.
Lots of people out walking and enjoying our open spaces...and smiling at each other.
Watching the baby coots, ducklings and cygnets grow at Swanny ponds
Im sad the flipside of community coming together is the rise in judging others. Cliping on neighbours or complaining about people being outside, laughably at the same time as they are, is sinister
Before lockdown, I was usually away with work 3 days a week. I love not travelling + like working from home in Dundee. I can walk the dog, see the river, be present, I'm not going back to 'normal'.
How I appreciate my outdoor time much more and how lucky we are living on the coast!
Missing ALL the activities and things to do that Dundee offers
Dundee = people + place. It's difficult to hold onto while socially distant.
I've noticed the cherry blossoms in Dudhope Park, and how they fall like confetti in the wind
It's going to be scary to go outside the gate into the World beyond and meet other Humans - who are the survivors of this war!
Since lockdown, I have realised what I can live without, and what is important. Always one to wear make up and be 'turned out'. I have learned to live with my 'real' face. To be fair it's not that bad
How well people I know are coping with lockdown (me included), learning languages, new recipes, getting into cycling and running, connecting with people, exploring town and getting creative😍
Everyone feels closer and kinder, despite the distance. We're remembering what community means.
How much I miss my old routine.
Loving the resilience and versatility of everyone during lockdown. Hoping the growing sense of community continues supporting local people and businesses and sets a new model for being.
Getting to know my neighbours and feeling a new sense of community growing
How people are talking of new pocket parks, improved cycling infrastructure and pedestrianised streets. Dreaming of a better Dundee never stops!
Just how many people are willing to get behind our community. I've loved seeing people buying local and getting recommendations for small food businesses that I didn't know existed before lockdown!
Just how quickly the grass has grown on the municipal football pitches. There'll be a few surprises hiding in the growth when the time comes to get the mowers out
People enjoying the space they live in. We've been walking to parks and hidden corners of our neighbourhood on foot and on bike, making the most of our one hour of freedom each day.
Our daily motto during the really difficult days: Survive til Five. *Then get the wine out.*
funny how you can feel like you're on an adventure so close to home
Watching neighbours work together to tackle tidying up and planting in the backies so that everyone can enjoy the space!
 Seeing a buzzard soar overhead in the city. I have appreciated listening to the birdsong with little noise. One positive from this situation is to hope we appreciate nature more and let it breathe.
The way that people have come together and reached out to those in need and to each other. A group Heavenlys Angel's delivered care packs to homes and sheltered housing throughout Dundee. Amazing! X
Chalk. Chalk is underrated. Chalk has kept us going. We love chalk.
The parks are filled with nature
Holy moly, quiet is beautiful!
Dundee has shown so much support to small independent local businesses. I hope this support continues!
Green space is alive
Enjoying quality family time!
Being together in one space for so long has encouraged our creativity to reimagine our space together. Turns out a crocodile lives in the garden and a mermaid visits our bathroom.
I miss just bumping into people every day like I would normally before these times. I'm surprised by how much I miss these interactions and being able to hug you all. I hope you are all staying safe.
How the usual petty annoyances have receded and what's left is the stuff our lives should be made of: birdsong, space, peace to think, quiet time to let us ponder what we could do differently forever.
"The City of Discovery" Discovering all the wonderful local small businesses that are out there; doing what they love & we love what they do!
Genuinely surprised by how many folk seem to love a swim in the sea at Broughty Ferry Beach! Is it not freezing?! Brrrrr. Rather them than me!
Going to miss the grass and wildflowers when they are gone again. Rugged over regimented.
Being amazed at how far you can see in all directions from the top of the Law.
How much the local park has been a vital source of solace.
Me and my granddaughter have started baking together online..we made lemon drizzle cake. It was great..both cakes were very successful. There was a bit of drama about cracking eggs her mama sorted it
How much the neighbours have come together to share resources - flour, printer paper, paint - all left on doorsteps!
The people of Dundee shone bright as they pulled together to support each other, from food provision to online pubs & everything in between you could feel the sense of community & care!
The gloriously picturesque parks. The swaying grasses and muted tones make me feel like a figure in an old painting.
Lived in the town for over 30 years and my wife and myself have driven past the various entrances to "the miley" nature reserve numerous times. We have now walked it a couple of times, a great find!
I've interacted more with my neighbours in the last 8 weeks than I have in the last 1.5 years since moving back. Gardening group, quizzes, kids fun, food sharing. If honest I'm scared it will end.
Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces
How reflective the water is - sometimes it's like I'm gazing into a giant mirror
Not going back to the old 'normal' - how do we moonshot into the future now everyone has had an opportunity to reconnect with the things in life that are important? Who needs to be aboard the rocket?
I have seen inclusion, tollerance & acceptance rise. Dundee is ALWAYS inclusive, but people are offering to help more without getting close, and everything is so quiet ❤️ Everyone cares.
How busy the quiet places are.
Seeing the same people at the same time every day - total strangers that I now see more often than my friends and family.
The amount of amazing foraging spots there are around Dundee. Getting back to my love for nature has been so rewarding.
Connecting to nature has been so important. Seeing large swathes of uncut areas left to grow wild! Good for biodiversity, good for the soul, good for the planet. Please let this continue.
We've had so much more time to appreciate nature. Ironically we've been spending more time just walking in the park watching Spring unfold because the pace of life has slowed down for us.
I'd never appreciated the role videogames could play in managing people's mental health until lockdown.
That I've adapted to put food in the waste bin, feels so wierd- can't wait for food waste collections to re-start!
I'm going plucking mad. I'll have no eyebrows left soon...
I've loved exploring the city on long rambling walks and seeing loads of people on bikes. I hope Dundee can be at the forefront of creating a safe and innovative cycling and walking infrastructure.
how few people are wearing masks. i thought we were better than this
Access to local produce became more important than ever.
The sky seems bluer, the grass greener, and baxter park has become even more precious
How quiet it is......
My postman looks like Billy Connolly and I've had so many deliveries during lockdown that I now know that he SOUNDS like Billy Connolly too. A nice lockdown surprise.
Parks are so important. I never realised how many Dundee has. You can almost hop across sections of the city on islands of green.
Everyone is utilising the outdoors to a far greater capacity than before. Long may it continue!
Life is now like a game of Pacman, where everyone else is a ghost.
Less Cars. More Bikes. More Birdsong.
Rediscovering Corners
That Dundee is full of urban and green space beauty in so many ways - seldom-used side streets, industrial areas, residential roads... Never appreciated our walkable city more!
I've realised how many Beautiful pockets Dundee has. We are so lucky to live in a city with so many Beautiful parks and walking areas!
Discovering suburban streets that I have never had the time or inclination to explore before.
I'm making more of an effort to stay connected, and it feels amazing!
A time to say hello Dundee and discover we are Dundee!
People sussing what some have always known - what a walkable city we live in. From where I am behind the Law I can be in any corner of bonnie Dundee in under an hour. Always lived here, always will!
The views over to Fife are so clear from Broughty Ferry Beach.
The way local businesses have thought out the box , been creative and supported those in need . The respect that has been shown to everyday people working together in big and small ways .
Miss seeing,hugging and playing with our grandchildren very much!
Everyone has fallen in love with alternative modes of transport to cars. The roads are almost empty making them safe for cyclists and pedestrians to enjoy!
The beauty of uncut grass , daisies and buttercups
The energy of community action has been a lighthouse at a time of adversity.
Traffic like the 70s - but back then, children played out in the street whenever the sun shone.
I really enjoyed watching the signs of spring in detail in Balgay Park. I've not done this before. I've walked up the Law several times, it's much closer to my house than I thought.
Everyones been given a chance to pause and reflect on themselves and the world around them. We were allowed to finally grow and love. Even the the parts of ourselves that we are scared of.
Realising that the most important things in life are free. No amount of money or material things will ever make me feel as happy as seeing all my loved ones again. I cant wait to hug them all.
A sense of community has returned that has been absent in some areas!
That I haven't chopped all my hair off yet...
We are a community helping others.
It has been a challenging time for everyone but what shines through is the great community spirit in Dundee #LoveDundee
I've loved the quiet roads and a wee wander walk to the shops instead of hopping into the car.
Walking more and the joy of hearing all the birdsong. Then the delight of watching them devour the seeds as I work from the kitchen table.
Brilliant people working in shops, keeping things as normal as they can. They've been the best.
Dundonians genuinely want to help each other through this - stepping off pavements to pass safely, doing errands, adapting and using local businesses. There is heart at what we do.
☀️ It really has been Sunny Dundee ☀️
Loving the genuine love for Dundee #TEAMDUNDEE
My cooking & baking has vastly improved!
I started a self care routine. Something that was long overdue and much needed.
Watching people in their gardens more... Connecting with the beautiful green spaces and breathing in the fresh air.
I'm really not missing anything other than family and friends. Feel a physical longing and ache not seeing & hugging them.
How wonderful all the key workers are . From every field of work
It shouldn't be a surprise, but how much we need each other and how much family isn't there for so, so many people. Our well-being is so easily impacted when company is removed - we are all vulnerable
Each week I see so many people in my street Clap for Carers, yet I've never felt so isolated/alone. Shielding is more difficult than I have the words to express.
How everyone has become pretty much invisible.
The joy in buying local
Dundee needs calisthenics parks! With gyms closed/unsafe, it's become more apparent that there's a need for outdoor equipment (eg pullup bars) which allow people to continue building strength outside
Found that online art and craft markets work and are beneficial for sellers and buyers!
Loving that we have so many green spaces to explore and listen to nature... feel lucky to live in this cute wee city :)
The amazing people from Dundee fighting back against the virus. Two examples being the University of Dundee discovering new things about the virus and NHS Tayside being excellent in this time of need
My new found love of cycling! I've felt safer & more confidant to be out on my bike with quieter roads.
I am a Grandmaster at teaching Karate on Zoom...
The Ducks Who Came to Tea
How good the weather's been!
I finally have time to work on the projects that I never had time for
Teachers can't go back to work if they didn't stop in the first place.
How wonderful it is that the vast majority of people are so community minded and will go out of their way to help each other.
Running along Riverside to the V&A in all weathers and appreciating the Tay and the city that is Dundee. Everyone says hello now!
Enjoying gardening
Watching trees and flowers bloom in a more considered way. Seeing gardens I walk past change as leaves and petals fade and grow.
Each day feels more and more like a scene from Snow White. 🐦
Proud of how well everyone is coping, and coping in their own unique way!
wild grass, flowers & meadows
Online classes rock! I'd be bent double without a wee pilates stretch from Heal
Have there always been this many birds?
I really appreciate the many local businesses who are reconfiguring on the fly to offer home deliveries.
Home Deliveries
Buzz cycling through V & A arch and enjoying Dundee's beautiful scenery.
How much fun a zoom party is.
How lucky I am to be able to spend time at my allotment and get to know the other people there. I hope more spaces are converted to allotments in Dundee, so more people can enjoy the benefits!
Dundee community spirit is amazing!
Home Delivered Fudge Doughnuts 👅 👅 👅
There are so many beautiful flowers in the city streets that I have never properly appreciated before.
How much I miss the train ride across the Tay Bridge each morning
The honk of the fish van coming down our street selling local seafood makes my day
It's given me so much hope for the future, showing that people do care about others and their environment. People are growing their own food, learning how to fix things, cycling & sharing 💚👫🌍
It's really, really hard, but I'm grateful I don't live in a much larger place.
There are positives in the stillness. Time might seem endless but on the flipside we have also been given endless time. Time to breathe, rest and be still.
That we find out Dundee is actually a thing!
The greenery of Balgay and beyond! Less cutting, more plants!
no more cars way more bikes
I've loved the empty roads, going for long walks and cycles along riverside has been bliss I've fallen in love with bonnie Dundee all over again
How adaptable the businesses have been. We’re a resilient community.
I work remotely from Bristol. Hearing about the way that the lovely sculptures and artwork hidden around the city have gained new meaning for people on the rare walks outside makes me so happy.
So many people have dogs!
 I miss chips.
Getting to know our neighbours better. Spending time at the front of the house has meant all sorts of new, unexpected and fun conversations with passers by.
Widflowers are my very favourite thing, and this year they're wilder than ever! They make my heart happy.